Don't want to miss out on any collection? Drop your email down below and we guarantee you will never miss a drop!

Join our VIP club for exclusive discounts and early access to every selected drop. DROP your emails and enjoy the journey. You will be receiving automated text msgs and emails from time to time. Some extra charges may apply. Thank you!


How can I order?

Easy, give us a follow on instagram and tiktok @sk1studio. We say when we will open shop for our PRIME, EXCLUSIVE, APPAREL. We open our shop to the public for 72 hrs, on a weekend, maybe once a month or so.


Our standard shipping times are 4-6 weeks from placing your order. We try to NAIL every aspect on your order and make this as high quality as possible. We are sorry, but you simply can't rush perfection.

Return items

ALL SALES ARE FINAL! unless the mistake is made from our part. This is why we reiterate all the time to please DOUBLE, TRIPLE make sure your order is correct before checkout. Can't return the drip that's destined for you. Any mistakes contact us at

How can I get early access?

Simply drop your email in the little pop up box that pops up when coming to our website or press where it says "GET 15%". After that follow the steps and BOOM, you're an sk1 member.

Design Placement

Yes, we can print your design on the front with our logo in the upper back, neck. Select the option "Artwork in the front, logo in the back" when selecting your t-shirt.

Contact us

You can contact us at